At Bread & Butter, we are lucky to be a part of an active diverse community. Below are just a few ways our clientele (and their printing projects) enhance the places they live, the activities they chose, and the causes they embrace.
Non-profit Organizations
Our not-for-profit clients hope to find cures, right injustices and raise awareness for a variety of worthy causes. Many work to protect the environment and preserve wildlife from creeks to shorelines across the state.
Companies of all sizes use our services, whether branding a new enterprise or celebrating an established one. The businesses we represent may be known locally or nationally. In fact, they might even be imaginary.
From pre-schools to graduate programs, our clients are involved in a range of educational activities that include building robots, promoting reading, and exploring the world both inside and outside the classroom.
Sporting Events
We live in a sports-crazed community where showing support for a team is commonplace. Our clients range from local recreation leagues to world champions in everything from basketball to rope-skipping.
Activities and Gatherings
We make t-shirts for weddings and anniversaries, home-comings and home-buildings, scout troops and theatre troupes, just to mention a few.